Noah's Web Site (Christmas Edition!)









Welcome to my Web site!

I can barely use this software.
While I was typing that, my computer restarted and I lost all of my progress. I had to retype it just now. Thanks Gigabyte!     
There's lots of things on this website (i think). Look at them!

Why did kevin cut off the sleeves off of a pink sweater and why is he wearing them backwards?

Can you even buy just sleeves or do you have to cut them off? Because that's clearly not a part of the shirt. Look at the cuffs!
They're at the wrong end!

Merry Christmas!



9/06/2022 - Site created

9/07/2022 - Started adding more gifs and updated About Me and Favorites pages

9/09/2022 - Finished updates

9/16/2022 - it is my birthday

9/19/2022 - added memes page. you can access it here!

9/29/2022 - haven't uploaded it yet

10/04/2022 - i might finish updating it now. depends how how i feel

10/22/2022 - added custom linkbar and changed memes page to being named funny

12/08/2022 - "i wanna be santa claus so i'm gonna kill santa claus" - Danny Gonzales

                     oh yeah also i added christmas stuff now merry christmas even though its not here yet

Photo Album

Communities & Forums

MountainsLook at my new online photo album filled with pictures of random things. You might like it.

(i havent chnaged this cover photo since this thing was made. Should I replace it?)


Home | About Me | Interests | Favorites | Photo Gallery | Feedback | Memes

This site was last updated 12/08/22